Natural Environment Panel. «From nature environment humanization to human being naturalization»


  • Leonor Lapeña, professor at the Department of Agricultural Science and Natural Environment from UJI. She well talk about; It is the environmental damage a global problem created for everybody? Countries generators of the current situation and receiving countries
  • Mª. José Molina, CSIC  researcher in the CIDE (Desertification Research Center). She will show us the planet state of desertification, being it «one of the major environmental  challenges of the planet and and obstacle to get the basic requirement for some communities». ¿Is is possible to avoid this desertification spiral?
  • Isabel Queral, Biologist and in charge of the Environmental area of  Fundación Caja Castellón of  Limne Foundation. She will talk about relation of conservation and and forestry areas recovery and  maintenance of agropecuary economies in the rural areas. She will provide us with real experiences whit this is a  success and the territory custody.
  • Miguel Ángel López, professor at Department of Business Management and Marketing , UJI. He will talk us about degrowth.  Degrowth in words of Serge Latouche, implies to let behind the idea of growing by itself. Therefore, to promote local autonomy and reduce consumerism which will implies a natural regeneration of the planet among others advantages.

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